Management essentials
Master core leadership skills with our Management essentials learning path. Develop expertise in team management, decision-making, and strategic planning to excel in your managerial role.
Discover our training topics. Whether you are interested in just one, or a combination of several, we make it fit to your needs to make sure we grow your business – together.
Master core leadership skills with our Management essentials learning path. Develop expertise in team management, decision-making, and strategic planning to excel in your managerial role.
Follow this step-by-step guide on using prompt engineering and ChatGPT to boost sales. Learn how to interact with AI, create effective prompts, and leverage AI technology.
Selling value can help your sales teams stay competitive and relevant in an increasingly demanding marketplace.
Learn the essentials of effective coaching as a leader. Master best practices, the GROW model, and goal-setting techniques to motivate your team and foster growth through practical simulations.
Learn to navigate challenging communication as a leader by understanding life positions and improving your mindset for positive outcomes in difficult situations.
Learn how to deliver impactful feedback that drives positive change and fosters professional growth. Master the key characteristics of effective feedback, the proper process for giving and receiving it, and strategies to motivate your team.
Master effective communication techniques by learning to adapt to various environments and styles, whether face-to-face or virtual. Discover your preferred communication style and leverage it to your advantage.
Learn how to lead your team through the change process. You will learn to guide team members through the four typical phases of change—status quo, avoidance, confusion, and insight—and help them reach the “insight” phase as quickly as possible.
Enhance your leadership by adapting your style to your team’s needs. Learn five leadership styles and their best use based on team competence and motivation, while discovering your preferred approach.